Alberga Casambi

Shaw Contract, Simply by Nature/Structure, Arc Edition Master, VM Carpet Duo/Rae
Suunnittelu Lena Ioka, kuvaus Jukka Rapo

“The way a space is designed steer our behaviour. In this project the design reflects the essence of Casambi – a global company but Finnish at heart – where innovation, quality, functionality, energy efficiency, and human centric solutions are important values. The office design incorporates and vizualises these values for its users by functionality & ergonomics and with warm & soft colors & materials like wood, stone, quality carpets and Finnish green moss. A perfect union between Casambi’s hard core technology and humanity.

The office design reminds its users of the human centric aspect of product innovation and steer its users in a subtle and organic way to feel the freedom to co-create – it provides a surrounding where things happen.”

Lena Ioka Interiors


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