
Solutions for your carpet needs, acoustic problems and demanding premises, whatever the size of the space

50 years of material, rug and carpet know-how

Check out our gorgeous projects and find inspiration for your own! We have delivered high-quality carpets, textile tiles and rugs for countless spaces, from officest to hotels and restaurants. Use the filters below and effortlessly find references of interest to you.

The Library in Hamina


Utsunkutsu, Levi

Finavia VIP & Meetings, Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

Santa´s Igloos Artic Circle

Käyttöauto BMW, Seinäjoki

Trustmary Reviews

Our other references

Other references:

Finnish embassies all over the world, YLE, MTV3, Moskito Television TV7, Apple Store Helsinki ,Tesla Abbott lndustries Finland, HUS, Nordea, City of Turku, City of Oului, City of Pori, Uusikaupunki, Hollola municipality, Muurame municipality, Tohmajärvi municipality, City of Hämeenlinna’s main library, Finnish Defence Forces, Sulkava Prison, Järvenpää Parish, Lapua Free Parish, Lappajärvi Church, Finnish state-run reform schools, Kinkomaa School, Pääskyvuori School, Tikkala School, Lappajärvi day-care centre, Into Seinäjoki

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VMC Project is a part of VM Carpet, the biggest carpet factory in Finland.

VMC Project hyödyntää uusinta teknologiaa ja toimittaa myös printattuja, jopa suunnittelijan omia designeja julkisiin tiloihin: toimistoihin, ravintoloihin sekä hotellien lattioihin. Toteutus on laadukas ja tulos kovan kulutuksen kestävää pintaa.